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Amarnath Temple: A Spiritual Journey amidst Majestic Peaks in Jammu and Kashmir

  Amarnath Temple, Jammu and Kashmir Amarnath Temple, Jammu and Kashmir History For Hindus, the Amarnath Temple in Jammu and Kashmir, India, is of utmost religious significance. It is one of Hinduism's most sacred sanctuaries and is devoted to Lord Shiva. The Amarnath Temple has a long and illustrious history. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is believed to have given his celestial spouse, Goddess Parvati, the secret to immortality there in the Amarnath Cave. Legend has it that Lord Shiva chose to give this secret knowledge to her in this remote cave high in the Himalayas. The cave was hidden and inaccessible for many years before being rediscovered in the 18th century by a Muslim shepherd by the name of Buta Malik. According to the mythology, Buta Malik was handed a bag of coal by a sadhu (holy man), who ordered him to wait until he reached home before open it. Buta Malik discovered the coal had turned into gold when he opened the bag. He was so overwhelmed by this miracle

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